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Education and Museum: Cultural Heritage for Science Learning

The project is connect to the promotion of initiatives, starting in primary school, for using ICT, the open educational resources and digital resources of cultural heritage for the improvement science learning.

The Project aim is to promote a new ways of learning and teaching through innovative method, using technologies and open digital resources that can be non-formal content for design curriculum. It also proposed a new way for schools and museums cooperation.

The Project Activities

  • State of the art analysis in the use of innovative practices in science education in country partners;
  • Define methodology of using technologies and digital resources for making learning units;
  • Design and development platform for to access and to re-use digital resources of cultural heritage in education field;
  • Design and development tool for making interactive and open educational resources.

Oriented educational, research-technology and museum Partner will analyze the practices adopted by different countries connected to Science teaching, European Commission document and recommendations in educational field.

They also will discuss on some experiences of "best practices" to identify access modality, use and reuse of cultural heritage and the arrangements for making learner-centered teaching unit. The partner will be able to define such as skills needed by teachers for working in an innovative way and therefore which practices for permanent professional development and experience sharing among teachers of different countries of the Union should be adopted.

We expect positive results related to:

  • Enriching teaching in the classroom through multimedia tools with new approaches to the scientific disciplines for learning enhancing;
  • Propose a trail for reality perception by students as an open system in which you can draw and exchange information with the help of technology;
  • Constructivist theory application, creating a synergistic relationship between different learning environment;
  • Develop relationships between schools, cultural institutions and in general between school, research and culture environment;
  • Increase and stimulate students for Science learning.

The Project goal will be to share and exchange best practices and applications among school models of different countries, to enable the teachers training for designing learning activities cross-disciplinary for improving a collaborative work to include scientific issues in different areas of the school curriculum. Important aims will be innovative relationships between teachers and museum staff, the accessibility to resources as tools to enable teachers to create teaching units to be shared as OER ( Open Educational Resources), providing students formal and no formal educational content adopting a language close to that They use on every day.

Dissemination and communication plan provides information and content of Project activities for involving and stimulating stakeholders, national and international educational agencies to replicate experimental methodology and instruments for increasing motivation of the students to choice of higher studies in science field.